The Human Impacts Database

A collection of useful numbers for quantifying the impacts of the human presence on Earth.

Harvest yield of cereals


This quantity comes from a time series measurement and the most recent value (2018) is reported.

Value: ≈ 0.4 kg / m2
HuID: 76189
Relevant Year(s): 2018
Summary: The global yield of cereals in tonnes per hectare for 2018. The FAO defines cereals as "[...] generally of the gramineous family and, in the FAO concept, refer to crops harvested for dry grain only." This yield does not include cereals that are harvested for silage, animal feed, or grazing.
Method: Data are collected from reporting governments both in forms of national publications of statistics as well as via Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations questionnaires. For some localities, official and unofficial data have been combined to give the most complete view of the quantity as possible.

No assessment of uncertainty is provided with the value and it should thus be interpreted as an 'estimate'. We have reported the value with less precision than reported in the source material. We direct the reader to the source for more information.
Source: FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization) of the United Nations Crops. (2019)
Dataset: Harvest yield by primary crop (1961-2018) (FAOSTAT_crop_primary_yields.csv)
global resolution
Original Data License: CC-BY-NC-SA IGO 3.0 (FAO Modified)
Added By: gchure