The Human Impacts Database

A collection of useful numbers for quantifying the impacts of the human presence on Earth.

Global agricultural land use


This quantity comes from a time series measurement and the most recent value (2020) is reported.


This is equivalent to...

≈ 4.7 BHa

HuID: 29582
Relevant Year(s): 2020
Summary: The total land appropriated or agricultural means.
Method: "Agriculture" is defined by the FAO as "'[L]and under temporary crops', 'Land under temporary meadows and pastures', 'Land with temporary fallow', 'Land under permanent crops', 'Land under permanent meadows and pastures', and 'Land under protective cover'. This category includes tilled and fallow land, and naturally grown permanent meadows and pastures used for grazing, animal feeding or agricultural purpose. Scattered land under farm buildings, yards and their annexes, and permanently uncultivated land, such as uncultivated patches, banks, footpaths, ditches, headlands and shoulders are traditionally included. "
Source: FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization) of the United Nations Land Use. (2020)
Dataset: Global agricultural land use 1961—2018 (FAOSTAT_global_agricultural_landuse.csv)
global resolution
regional resolution
Original Data License: CC-BY-NC-SA IGO 3.0 (FAO Modified)
Added By: gchure